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* Para la traducción al español, haga clic en el botón de opción de idioma (Bandera estadounidense o Bandera de España) en la esquina inferior izquierda de nuestro sitio web. Esto se puede encontrar en todas las páginas

2023-2024 School Year Photo Albums:

2023-2024 Photos
View the photo’s taken during the 2023-2024 school year.
May 27th
- SCHOOL CLOSED – Memorial Day
June 3rd
- Graduation – 6:00pm in Knefely with Reception in Russo following ceremony
June 7th
- ROX End of Year presentation/celebration – Russo, 9:30-10:30am
June 11th
- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL – Early Dismissal
June 19th
- School Closed – Juneteenth
June 17th – July 5th
- School Closed to students and 10/11 month staff.
July 4th
- School Closed – Holiday
Outreach and Statewide Services:
OSP Summer Program Registration is Closed.
Enjoy the Outreach at the White House Easter Egg Roll Video!
REMINDER – Tuition for Merrick and Abilities Due by June 15: Venmo or PayPal
Moment of Outreach Videos
- What is ECC
- What is O&M?
- Self-Determination
- Independent Living Skills (ILS)
- Social Skills
- Career Education
- Compensatory Access
- Assistive Technology
- Sensory Efficiency
- Recreation and Leisure
May 30 – 6:15pm to 8:15pm, Adapted Game Night in Russo Student Center. Ever want to try a game before buying it? Looking for ideas for how to make different types of games accessible for blind and low-vision students? MSB Outreach, in collaboration with MSB Recreation and the MSB Materials Group, welcome families to campus to check out games for blind and low-vision students. The Maryland Technology Assistance Program (MDTAP) will also join our programming to showcase accessibility devices for gaming systems for video and audio games. It gets even better! The Rock n’ Roll Cafe will be open! Grab a snack to support our student business while you explore game options! Register for Family Game Night. Email amandaa@mdschblind.org with any questions.
June 13 – NCUEB test at the Maryland School for the Blind. Registration deadline is May 20.
June 15 – 11am to 2pm, MSB Outreach invites students with low vision/blindness and their families to join us for Splashdown (SPANISH FLYER), end of the school year water fun! Families may bring their own picnic lunch. Popsicles and other light snacks will be provided.
Where: MSB Campus pavilion and playground area
What: Waterslide, sprinklers, splashpad, and other water activities
June 23 to 27 – MSB Camp Abilities at Lions Camp Merrick: A five-day, overnight outdoor education camp located at Lions Camp Merrick on the beautiful Potomac River in Nanjemoy, MD. Includes canoeing, fishing, ropes courses, and more! For students 9-17 years old.
COMING SOON- Registration for our FAMILY ENRICHMENT PARTNERSHIP with Elev8: Thursday evenings July 11-August 8 5:30pm-7:30pm: Dinner Served and AMAZING Raffle Prizes (like TVs and Kindles!!) every evening.
COMING SOON – The 2024-2025 ECC at Home Challenge Course for MSB and Statewide Students and Families.
Sign up TODAY!
Be sure to check out the monthly educational and professional events for students, staff and parents on the Maryland TVI Portal.
There are many wonderful opportunities for all!
APH Monarch Training Opportunity for Maryland TVIs
MSB’s Outreach Department is very excited to be offering an in-person and hands-on training for TVIs on the APH Monarch. TVIs who attend the training will be able to use the Monarch with their students starting in Fall 2024. The Monarch is a 10-line, 32-character braille display with tactile viewing options. We truly believe that this braille device is going to revolutionize the education of our blind students. In this round, we are giving priority only to Maryland TVIs.
The full-day training will take place on July 18 from 9 am to 3 pm at The Maryland School for the Blind. To be considered for this training, you must:
- Be a TVI in Maryland
- Know the full braille code (contracted) and currently work with braille readers
- Be willing to commit your time to show your students how to use the device in the fall
- Have permission from your supervisor (however that looks within your LEA)
- Agree to be photographed and recorded for APH and MSB use
If you decide to take part in this training, you will:
- Attend a day-long training at MSB on July 18 from 9 am to 3 pm (you must attend for the full duration)
- Complete the Introduction to the Chameleon course on the APH Hive and provide us with the certificate by June 28th (our suggestion to start it now, as people on the waitlist who have completed the course will be given slots first)
- Have the opportunity to loan out the Monarch to use with your students starting in the fall of 2024
- Provide written feedback about your experience with the Monarch
- NOT post about it on social media or discuss it with the media
If you are interested in this opportunity, you must fill out the form to Apply for Monarch Maryland Training. Only a limited number of lucky TVIs will be selected in this phase of the training. We cannot wait for you to learn all about it!
The deadline to apply is May 24. Reach out to conchitah@mdschblind.org with any questions.
Additional Events:
Off Campus opportunities for MSB Students:
BISM’s Preparing for College Life Program (STAR)
Blind Industries and Services of Maryland (BISM) is excited to run a week long program regarding college life for students. This residential program will provide participants with multiple college tours, conversations with disability service counselors, and discussions surrounding college life and accommodations. Students will reside in dorm style housing while experiencing a myriad of colleges across the state.
Program Dates: Friday, June 14 to Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Ages Eligible: 14 to 21
Location: Baltimore, MD
With any questions, reach out to Juhi Narula at 410-737-2642 or jnarula@bism.org.
- June 1 – 2024 LBPD Summer Reading Challenge Kickoff Event, 10 am – 2 pm. Begin by making a tactile treasure map with the Tactile Art Club, then come by the summer reading registration table as you enjoy an afternoon snack.
- June 12 – MDTAP webinar AT for Free: Reuse Programs Across the State, 11 am – 12 pm. Join us as we share information on the Maryland High Tech AT Reuse Program, the online equipment exchange site, and many other resources across the state to access free and low cost AT and durable medical equipment. Hosted by Shawn Bateman, AT Reuse Coordinator with MDTAP.
- June 14 – Blindness and Mental Health Summit. Virtual 8 am – 5 pm EST. Join us for the first annual Blindness and Mental Health Summit! The Summit is the largest online gathering of organizations and consumers sharing information, resources, and services focusing on mental health in the blindness, low vision, and disability communities. Registration is free!
- June 23 to 25 – Perkins CVI Conference: Building Meaningful Recognition. In person in Boston. We will explore quality assessment and instructional practices that help build meaningful recognition and access, current research about CVI, and advocacy resources for families and providers boldly driving change.
- Aug. 28 – Sept. 1
- Sept. 4 – Sept. 8
- Sept. 11 – Sept. 15
- Sept. 18 – Sept. 22
- Oct. 2 – Oct. 6
- Oct. 9 – Oct. 13
- Oct. 16 – Oct. 20
- Oct. 23 – Oct 27
- Nov. 6 – Nov. 10
- Nov. 13 – Nov. 17
- Nov. 20 – Nov. 24
- Nov. 27 – Dec. 1
- Dec. 4 – Dec. 8
- Dec. 11 – Dec. 15
- Dec. 18 – Dec. 22
- Jan. 01 – Jan. 05
- Jan. 08 – Jan. 12
- Jan. 15 – Jan. 19
- Jan. 22 – Jan. 26
- Jan. 29 – Feb. 2
- Feb. 5 – Feb. 9
- Feb. 12 – Feb. 16
- Feb. 19 – Feb. 23
- Feb. 26 – Mar. 1
- Mar. 11 – Mar. 15
- Mar. 18 – Mar. 22
- April 1 – April 5
- April 15 – April 19
- April 22 – April 26
- April 29 – May 3
- May 13 – May 17